7 Female Health Bloggers That Can Change Your Life and Help You Love Your Body ...


7 Female Health Bloggers That Can Change Your Life and Help You Love Your Body ...
7 Female Health Bloggers That Can Change Your Life and Help You Love Your Body ...

Believe it or not, there are some female health bloggers who actually helped me overcome an eating disorder, without even knowing it. When I finally accepted I had been suffering a ten year battle with anorexia, binge eating and orthorexia, I wanted help. I turned to counselors, books, websites and blogs for insight, resources and understanding. What I found was more than I could have imagined, and that led to the creation of my website, The Soulful Spoon. I don’t think I’ve ever truly told these female health bloggers the difference they’ve made in my life either. Yet, reading their blogs, their personal stories with health, their bodies, living life and overcoming obstacles, all helped me realize I wasn’t alone. Reading certain books also helped tremendously. If you’re looking to learn to love healthy food, your body and embrace life and femininity, check out some of my favorite female health bloggers. Their websites are amazing, their stories are incredible, and though they haven’t all had an eating disorder, each of their approaches to health are ones anyone can find benefit from.

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Gena from Choosing Raw

Gena’s blog, Choosing Raw, was one of the first blogs I ever read, and Gena is still one of my favorite female health bloggers to this day. She started Choosing Raw as a way to document her health journey into being vegan and eating mostly whole foods that are in their raw state that helped her overcome an eating disorder. She isn't fully raw and embraces healthy cooked foods too though. I found hope in Gena’s words and understanding in her emotions. I also loved her food, which wasn’t about calories, carbs or weight loss, but instead, about how beautiful nourishing real plant foods are. Gena is also educated and a certified nutritionist, which I admired on so many levels as someone who also has a degree in this field. Her approach to veganism is one of the most honest and endearing I’ve ever seen. Her approach to health is also simple, delicious and sustainable, which I also admire. You can find Gena on Choosing Raw at choosingraw.com.


Kathy from Happy Healthy Life

Kathy is such a fun person and I have never even met her! I found Kathy’s blog, Happy Healthy Life, soon after finding Gena’s blog. Kathy is so excited about vegan food and food in general, that she made me that way too. She adores all living things, and her inspiration and sense of childlike innocence comes through every word she writes. Yet, her eloquence, emotions about animals, and her endearing words to readers are the ones I cherish most. Did I mention her photos are incredibly gorgeous too? What I love most about Kathy’s site is it is such a breath of colorful, vibrant and alive, fresh air. I never ever get tired of looking around on her site, and just when I think I’ve found every possible recipe to love on Happy Healthy Life, I always find a new one. She helped me learn to quit fearing foods, and start loving it instead, along with teaching me just how amazing plant foods can be, taste and how they help you recover from an unhealthy body image. Kathy can be found at kblog.lunchboxbunch.com.


Angela from Oh She Glows

Angela from Oh She Glows is one of the most popular female health bloggers today, and one you’ve probably heard of. In fact, Angela’s story was the most influential to me in deciding to recover when I almost gave up. Yes, she is also vegan, but aside from that, her will to live a life full of health and fitness while facing emotional struggles was what helped me realize I wasn’t alone. She also ate so many of the same foods that I loved, so it was easy for me to embrace her approach to health. Angela’s blog can make you be more compassionate towards yourself, animals, and food. She supports sustainable food and embraces simplicity through her recipes. I promise she’ll always make you smile through every post she writes. You can find Angela at : ohsheglows.com.


Kris Carr from Crazy Sexy Life

Everybody loves this lady by now, I’m sure. If you haven’t managed to hear about the amazing Kris Carr yet though, let me introduce you! Kris is a rock star in the female health blogging world. In 2003, Kris was diagnosed with one of the rarest types of cancers known to exist. She felt helpless in a desperate search for answers for a disease that left her with 24 tumors and a cancer that was incurable. In a strong determination to live, she exhausted research methods, treatment therapies, and finally turned to alternative medicine and complementary medicine for the answer. After many different approaches, Kris found yoga, a raw food diet, and an alkaline diet helped send her cancer to such a slow growing state, that doctors said she was as close to remission as physically and humanly possible for someone in her shoes. She reversed her disease from progressing steadily, to slowing down tremendously. Kris now runs the website KrisCarr.com and is the author and founder of Crazy Sexy Life. She has written many different books and even made a movie in 2004 about her journey called, Crazy Sexy Cancer. If you want a fun, creative and alive approach to health that embraces life, love, health and simplicity, visit Kris at :kriscarr.com.


Sarah Wilson

I found Sarah’s blog in 2011, just in the beginning of my full recovery. Sarah had an autoimmune disease that also led to a thyroid disorder, leaving her tired, weak and incredibly ill. Sarah was the editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, before she created her own website called, Sarah Wilson. Sarah lives in Australia and is an excellent writer. She is to this day one of my favorite bloggers to turn to for a laugh, remarkable and smart health insight and simple, healthy meals. Sarah is so unique and helped me embrace my differences as well. I’ve learned so much from her through her words and I feel anyone else would too. You can find her at sarahwilson.com.


Taralynn from Undressed Skeleton

Taralynn from Undressed Skeleton is one incredibly beautiful young lady. She also has one incredible story. At such a young age, Taralynn took an unhealthy relationship with food that included binging and being overweight, and turned herself into one fit, incredibly fun and smart healthy eater. Taralynn’s blog, Undressed Skeleton can help you unleash the inner female inside of you that is waiting to become healthy, vibrant and alive. I resonated highly with her on so many levels with food, my body and loving fitness and cooking. She teaches you smart eating tips, shares delicious recipes, and has so many healthy eating resources on her blog, along with tons of insight. Give her a visit at: undressedskeleton.tumblr.com.


Clare from Fitting It All in

Lastly, one of the most recent female health bloggers that has been an inspiration to me is Clare from Fitting It All In. Clare graduated from the Institute of Integrative Medicine and has now gone back to graduate school. Clare is not just book smart though. She has lived an eating disorder and struggled with so many of the same issues I have with food, my body and self esteem. She’s also incredibly brave, teaching women how to embrace their bodies, just as they are and honor them through movement, rest and living a normal life again. Clare helped me realize that even though recovery isn’t easy, it is possible, even in its imperfection. Check Clare out at: fitting-it-all-in.com.

If you have a favorite female health blogger, I’d love to meet them! I have many more, but feel free to share yours with me! What bloggers do you follow for health online?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Perfect timing. Thank you.

I\'m definitely going to look into all of these websites !!!

I agree, absolutely perfect timing!

Thanks you all!:) I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!:)

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