7 Very Useful Ways to Achieve Peace of Mind and Inner Calm ...

Corina Jul 15, 2024

7 Very Useful Ways to Achieve Peace of Mind and Inner Calm ...
7 Very Useful Ways to Achieve Peace of Mind and Inner Calm ...

Achieving peace of mind might sound like an elusive quest, but trust me, it's a journey worth embarking on. In today's hectic 2024 world, with all the buzz and chaos swirling around, finding that serene oasis within ourselves feels more crucial than ever. Believe me, as someone who has juggled the demands of a university degree, a career, and a chaotic toddler, balance and inner calm are like unicorns—rare but totally magical!

First off, let's talk about the first magic trick in my toolbox: mindfulness meditation. Wrap your head around this - you can achieve peace of mind by honing your ability to stay present and anchored in the moment. When my email’s pinging, my phone’s buzzing, and my brain’s churning out a mental to-do list, a couple of minutes of mindfulness works wonders. Trust me, it’s not just guru gobbledygook; it genuinely helps tame the brain-dragon.

Since we're getting cozy with mindfulness, let’s slide into yoga, a team-up partner for inner peace. Picture this: My first yoga class – me trying to balance like a flamingo on one foot while the instructor kept saying, "Breathe, don’t think.” Sounds simple, right? But, it’s incredibly effective. Learn more under #2 Yoga and Deep Breathing.

Next on the list is the delightful art of gratitude journaling. Yeah, yeah, I know, it might sound cliché. But, there’s something profoundly magical about jotting down those positive snippets of your day. It's like channeling your inner Pollyanna, focusing on silver linings instead of sniffing out storm clouds. Pick up that dusty notebook and turn it into your daily positivity pal.

A good night’s sleep shouldn’t be underestimated. Turning your bedroom into a sanctuary is an essential step. Think cozy blankets, calming scents, and tech-free zones. Funny story: I used to think burning the midnight oil was a sign of a working champ – until I resembled more like a zombie than a productive human!

Then, there’s decluttering. And boy, do I mean de-clut-ter-ing. That messy drawer where you shove everything - attack it! Clutter can be the unseen thief that steals your calm. You’ll be amazed how a tidy space can clear up some of that mental fog too. Sounds simple? Head over to #5 Declutter Your Space for more!

Of course, it would be remiss not to mention the importance of hobbies. Whether it’s reading, gardening, or stamp collecting – pursuing something that brings you joy does wonders for your mental landscape.

Oh, and let’s not forget tuning out the world with some music! Nothing beats the euphoria of a shower-singing session or a solitary evening jig in your living room.

So, let’s buckle up and dive into these helpful ways to cultivate that precious peace of mind, one practical step at a time!

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1. Deep Breathing

What other ways to achieve peace of mind and inner calm could be more efficient than taking a few deep breaths and thinking of all the things that make you feel happy? By focusing your attention on your breathing, you’ll be able to forget about all the things that worry or scare you and you’ll instantly feel calm and relaxed. This is one of the best things you can do when you are feeling anxious, because it regulates the quantity of oxygen you inhale and you’ll get rid of those annoying symptoms like dizziness, hyperventilation or any other unpleasant thing you might feel when you’re anxious.

2. Go for a Walk

I’m sure you all know how many wonderful benefits walking can bring you. When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed with all the chores you have to do and all the tasks you need to take care of, if you have the time to do it, then just go for a walk and you will surely see things more clearly in no time. This is one of the best ways to fight anxiety and depression, so why not give it a try when you’re feeling a little bit down?

3. De-Clutter

Just get rid of all the clutter from your life! You will feel calmer and more peaceful by having regular clear-outs. Keep your house and especially your work area clean, so you’ll quickly be able to find all the things you need to do your job properly. This will also make you feel good about yourself and you will have a more peaceful mind.

4. Self-Love

Learn to love and accept yourself just the way you are. We all have flaws and no one is perfect. We’re only human, after all, and humans do make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them, so you won’t repeat them in the future. The more you love yourself, the greater your peace of mind will be and the calmer and more relaxed you will feel.

5. Have Goals

Dream big and set clear goals! Do everything in your power to fulfill your dreams and don’t give up when the going gets tough. Goals will help you keep going in the right direction; they will give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Despite all this, you should still remember that, just like Milton Erickson said, “A goal without a date is just a dream.”

6. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

If you want to achieve peace of mind and inner calm, you shouldn’t take yourself too seriously. Be flexible and learn to laugh at all the stupid things that you do sometimes. Just like Mandy Kloppers said, “The more rigid our thinking is, the easier it is to experience situations that contradict our rigid ideas.”

7. Live in the Moment

I know that it may be hard sometimes to leave all those worries behind, but with a bit of practice and a lot of patience, I’m sure you’ll manage to achieve this objective. Instead of dwelling on your past or panicking about your future, try living in the moment and enjoying the now. If you live in the present, those concerns from your past and those worries from your future will not be able to affect you.

It’s important to work on achieving peace of mind and inner calm if you want to live a happy and healthy life in this chaotic world. What do you do to reach this goal? Do you know any other ways someone can create peace of mind? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

Sources: lifehack.org, beliefnet.com, wikihow.com, tinybuddha.com

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