What Can You do for Emotional Healing?

A.J. Apr 13, 2015

We often feel alone, distressed, anxious or down for no apparent reason. We also, as humans, have a penchant for exaggerating the dimensions of our problems and blowing the effects of undesirable circumstances out of proportions. We obsess about counterproductive objects of desire and give into various compulsions, hoping to achieve peace of mind, but in reality all these actions manage to do is to sink us deeper and deeper in an unhealthy mental state. Therapy and pharmaceutical drugs are able to provide relief to a certain extent, but you have to be ready and willing to take the next steps on your own and start the process of emotional healing. Let's find out about a few tips that could help!

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1. If You like Eggs Benedict, Eat Eggs Benedict!

Remember how the main character in Runaway Bride always ate her eggs however the man she was dating at the time ate them? There are few things that have the propensity to cause us as much distress as attempting to behave in a manner that is uncharacteristic to our way of thinking. Renouncing our personal core beliefs, stepping over the boundaries we've imposed for ourselves and gratuitously trying to conduct ourselves by someone else's rules just to impress and convey a different image are the main ingredients of the recipe for unhappiness. Rather than do all those things, accept and love yourself for what you actually are!

2. Start Developing and Investing in Yourself

The next step implies taking those traits that are great about you and utilizing them to improve and develop yourself in the right direction. Teach yourself every day to be calmer and less judgmental of others – and yourself –, to be less selfish and more generous, to become more productive and wallow less in self-pity.

3. Don't Obsess over How Your First Boyfriend Broke Your Heart Years Ago

Our experiences have a formative role, in the sense that each one is designed to teach us something about the world. However, once the lesson is learned, you'll need to muster the strength to move on and stop allowing the negative emotions like anxiety, sadness or anger triggered by these experiences to exercise control over your future. It's easy to develop a codependent relationship with misery otherwise, and happiness might appear like an increasingly intangible state of mind!

4. Create Meaning Instead of Searching for It

The meaning of our lives has represented the perpetual quest of scholars and philosophers throughout the ages, but no one has found an undeniable definition of what it is. Having a meaningful life is all about creating it. Find and engage in activities that bring you satisfaction, seize every opportunity that presents itself to you and don't be afraid to allow yourself to enjoy each moment.

5. Take Charge of Your Thoughts

A negative way of thinking is perhaps the greatest source of discomfort and distress, particularly if we don't question the validity and usefulness of those thoughts. It's time to start dissociating between a productive state of mind and one that paralyzes and leads to inaction and sadness.

6. Focus on Your Intentions Instead of Your Mood

Anxiety and depression have a way of making us believe that all our efforts are in vain, no matter how we choose to approach the problems. Unfortunately, that leads to a counterproductive conduct, loads of wasted time and missed opportunities, and a seemingly inescapable spiral of negativity. Instead of focusing on how bad things are now, try to set a routine that encompasses every single moment of the day and stick to it. It doesn't matter whether it details how you plan to rest, work or spend time with your friends, as long you have a solid plan.

7. Take Action or Forget about It!

Finally, emotional healing requires understanding that certain aspects of your life and the world around you are not under your control, while others are. If you're not happy with your current relationship, perhaps it's time to seek companionship elsewhere, if your job is causing you too much stress, perhaps a different career path would be more appropriate. On the other hand, you can't change the state of the economy, people's opinions on controversial topics, so on and so forth. Why waste energy worrying about something if you have absolutely no control over it?

Do you know any other tips that promote emotional healing and genuine happiness? What strategies do you use to cope?


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There's a site called something like " I'm in my own skin " that you can post body images on and other users will help you feel better.

Write your thoughts down! It helps.

If it helps seek counselling

I was just stalking my ex of 2/3years on Facebook as you do, possibly more out of boredom but then I started to get negative thoughts and was going to send him a not very nice text but decided to leave it for another day maybe and thought about Karma blah blah then saw this article and it jolted me back into perspective .... He wasn't a first boyfriend but someone who I 'thought' I was into lasting five years.. You know one of those when you drift on knowing things ain't right you finally break up with them then after a year they 'woo' you back in only to hurt you!... Soooo thank you very much & just for the record I'm in a good place in my life right now and I think I'm more angry really at having wasted five precious years of my time on such a jerk off. I'm sure karma is gonna bite his butt anyhow!! I've saved this article just to keep me on track & refresh my memory every now and again for the times when I'm in one of 'those' emotional zone moments for no real apparent reason & helping me to stay more in tune with the more happier qualities of my life. You have some great tips too & I'm sure lots of women will benefit from your post compared to one I recently read on 'thigh gaps' !! :)

Well put!!

I found emotional healing through alone myself to be alone and lonely. I then grew to know that I can be alone but not lonely. Emotional healing came through learning to love myself for who I am. Learning to be kind to oneself is a very crucial element of healing.

Very great n practical article as all yours aj ! Thanks

I,dont get it

@ Karena good on you. Look after yourself. Don't worry about a stupid thigh gap. Your beautiful as you are

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